Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Fountain by Duchamp

The Fountain

After moving from Paris to New York in 1915, Marcel Duchamp founding the American Society of Independent Artists group that advances the ideas of new art. in April 1917, Duchamp submitted his first exhibition, a urinal he had purchased in the showroom of J. L. Mott Iron Works. Then he signed it "R. Mutt 1917 on the urinal and named it Fountain. The piece inspired heated argument among the society's directors and was finally rejected an hour before the exhibition opened. This piece had a make a huge impact on art and aesthetic. in the past, art piece are related beauties that people appreciate. But a urinal is not a art piece appreciated by people, neither visual nor feeling, ironically, Duchamp submitted it as an art project.

The question “what is art” is both more simple and more complex than it might seem at first glance. Andy Warhol once quipped, “Art is whatever you can get away with.” Is it? His observation raises some interesting questions: How does one go about judging a work of art as art, beauty. What is the standard? Is something impressive, like a NYC street artist who paint pop art on stree? Or is such a display really something else? Art criticism and the fine arts are fallen on a slippery slope through time, Poems and literature have not show much better, and the reasons why it is defined as a particular kind of postmodern approach to criticism, “deconstructive”. Art and its critics, many people probably are not even familiar with postmodernism as a movement, have nevertheless been under the influence of deconstructive postmodern philosophy since the days of  the "fountain". “Deconstructive postmodernism” a very short introduction  include who debate not truth or beauty, but truth and beauty are something merely constructed, bond by culture and gender, or it could be   and totally relative always. As an example of how far-reaching this worldview is, a deconstructive postmodernist would argue that gorillas are protected more passionately than reptiles only because they remind us of us. It is our own unconscious narcissism that makes us value them more than a shellfish or insect, not any inherent or innate value

Why R.Mutt 1917?
Later in life Duchamp commented on the name of the alter ego he created for this work: 'Mutt comes from Mott Works, the name of a large sanitary equipment manufacturer. But Mott was too close so I altered it to Mutt, after the daily cartoon strip 'Mutt and Jeff' which appeared at the time, and with which everyone was familiar. Thus, from the start, there was an interplay of Mutt: a fat little funny man, and Jeff: a tall thin man ... I wanted any old name, And I added Richard [French slang for moneybags]. That's not a bad name for a pissotière. Get it? The opposite of poverty. But not even that much, just R. MUTT.'  Duchamp's use of a false signature, 'R. Mutt', anticipates his adoption of the alter ego Rrose Sélavy a few years later (indeed, in a letter of the period Duchamp referred to Mutt as a woman). Some commentators have noted how the inverted urinal resembles a female body, and see this as reflecting the play with gender boundaries which was an important leitmotif of Duchamp's career.

Duchamp`s fountain; Funtrivia;; 2012
Fountain;; 2009.

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