Thursday, May 15, 2014


Today, The Fountain is just an art piece shown in museum, that commemorates the beginning of postmodern arts. Catch-22 became an early example of postmodern literature, that people use to learn about postmodernism. And now day medias are fulfilled with postmodern elements, for example, house of cards. But non of them are seditious as they are in the past. It is undeniable that Postmodern movement had impact the world, on beauty, art, literature, politics,perspective, even the way of people expressing ideas.  But over time, the trend of Postmodernism has been diffused, in other words, the postmodern era had reach it`s end. People often said, postmodernism is dead(Alan Kirby), in fact, the death of postmodernism itself is a paradox. Postmodernism had molten in to the era we live in, all of postmodernism elements are now part of  our time, and that is why people no longer view postmodernism abnormal.

Now days, people use irony all the time, in politics, medias, even daily life.  When people over use irony, irony no longer sounds ironic, if irony is no longer ironic, is it still irony? or it is an irony of irony itself?  If postmodern era is over, then what should we call this intricate era, Pre-future? or we should just call it "now"

Edward; Docx; Postmodernism is dead; prospectmagazine;; 2011; The Death of Postmodernism And Beyond; ;2006

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