Thursday, May 15, 2014

House of Cards

In House of Cards, the Netflix directors told a series of story of hypercritical politicians, they act great and righteous in public, but at the back of the theme, they manipulate each other to gain their personal benefits.It is ironic how the powerful leaders of people are so corrupted in reality.

In Episode 6, Francis Underwood had a TV debate with the Marty Spinella, the chief of teacher union. In the Debate, Marty keep saying how teacher`s right should be respect, and why would teachers go on a strike. But the reality is absolutely opposite, in the last episode, when Marty started the war with Underwood, he decide to launch a protest at where Underwood is hosting a fund-raising party. There was a quick conversation when Marty and his assistant,(House of Cards Episode 5-6)

Marty: I need 200 teachers, to the  Cotesworth Hotel right now. I need a full picket"  
assistant: 200? I don`t know If we can get that many " 
Marty:" I don`t give a f*ck if they`re teachers or not, frankly. just get me 200 bodies. You know, call the teamsters, Maybe they`ill help us. We will give them glasses if we have to. Tell the guys to look smart." (House of Cards, Episode 5)

The Debate itself also became an irony

 As a result, Marty successfully launched a protest during Underwood`s party. But the return stroke from Underwood, made the story more ironic. Underwood came out from the party with his people, and give ribs and foods to the protesters, It is not surprise, the teamsters are not able to hold the temptation of food after protesting for hours. Seriously, what would people think about, if this happen in reality. (House of Cards, Episode 5-6)

Also, The episode was expressed in a humorous way,  audience will often laugh when they see the problems expose. Also there is another theme, Marty told the manager of Cotesworth Hotel to cancel the party, Doug Stamper, Frank Underwood`s chief of staff had a conversation with the manager,

Manager: I'll close the gate.
Doug: You know, I'm no expert in fire code, but I would imagine that locking your guests in is a bigger violation than having them walk around us.
Manager: This is trespassing on private property. You're breaking the law.
Doug: Right, okay. 

Let me get Barney Hull on the phone here for you.
Here you go.
It's ringing.
Manager: Who's Barney Hull? 

Doug: The police commissioner.
No? Okay.
You'd rather talk to him in person, that's great.
He's coming to the party. (House of Cards, Episode 5)

Through the themes, the Netflix directors make humorous theme to make depiction of those powerful people, in fact, they are making satire how their power was been used in such corrupted and selfish ways. And how those hypercritical politicians act paradoxically between the stage and reality

House Of Cards Season 1, Episode 5 Recap: A BBQ And A Meltdown; huffingtonpost;; 2014

House of Cards TV episode; Netflix; 2013-2014.

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